Some people like to look at something they have created and think to themselves "I did that", and that is great, It is a lovely feeling when you have completed something to be proud of. If that sounds like something you'd like to do then come and see us for some advice. Usually the advice is "get a professional to do it", but if you are insistent we will do our best to help you with everything you need to complete the job
A sander, sanding discs, spray gun, air compressor, paint, lacquer, thinners, primer.....
To do a good job you need the correct tools and we stock everything you will need.
Youtube may be a good starting point if you are unsure
That's why it's good to get the professionals to do it
Generally you need a lot of time and space, plus the patience to follow all of the steps without missing any. Do you set up flat pack furniture without reading the instructions? If so, this may not be the job for you
Come in and talk to us, we have so much knowledge that we love giving to people, and if you complete the job, take photos and come back in to show us, we love cars (and bikes and planes).
If you get lucky, one of the owners of the shop may be in to give you more tips on how to do a good job. If you're unlucky, Andy, our office worker, may get involved, he knows next to nothing except how much things cost!